1. Page Speed Insights
PageSpeedInsights is a free tool that helps webmasters analyze their site’s performance. It provides information about the loading time of each page, the number of requests per second, and the size of the file being downloaded.
2. Google Pagespeed
Google Pagespeed is a free online service provided by Google that analyzes the performance of websites. It measures how well a website performs across different devices including desktop computers, mobile phones, tablets, and TVs.
3. GTmetrix
GTmetrix is a free online tool that helps users measure the performance of their sites. It offers a variety of tests that help identify problems with a website’s load times, server responses, and security.
4. Pingdom
Pingdom is a free online tool for monitoring the performance of websites. Users can use it to check the status of their site at any given moment. It includes tools for checking the uptime, DNS records, HTTP headers, and SSL certificates.
5. WebPagetest
WebPagetest is a free online tool designed to test the speed of a website. It checks the performance of a website using a series of tests. These tests include measuring the speed of the connection between the user and the server, the speed of the server, and the speed of the webpage.
6. YSlow
YSlow is a free online tool developed by Yahoo! that helps users improve the performance of their websites. It does this by offering suggestions on ways to make pages faster.
7. Wistia
Wistia is a video hosting platform that lets users upload videos directly to its servers. It then makes those videos publicly accessible via URL. It is a great way to share videos without having to worry about bandwidth costs.
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